Geminis? Double Trouble!

“The first thing somebody notices about me is my big, wet…smile!”
– Jujubee

We are counting down for the drag show of the year! Oh, the cacophony! The dancers are stretching, the royalty is padding, Jujubee is… Jujubeing themselves. The feathers have been glued to the boas and the confetti sticks reloaded. We look so much forward to open the doors to the joy and glitter in Gamla bíó tomorrow evening, but unfortunately have some sad news. For unforseen reasons, Raja Gemini has had to cancel her performance in the show. We blame Mercury. It’s in retrograde. 

“My goodness, I would fuck me.”
– Jujubee

We promise to fill her shoes (with sticky, two day old confetti) — the show has all it needs to be an experience of a life time. We still hope that you’re bursting with excitement about meeting Jujubee and all the Icelandic drag royalty that will certainly raise the bar tomorrow night. We’re certain that Jujubee’s big personality and even bigger wig will fill the room!

For those who’d like to cancel their tickets and get a refund, please contact