Queer art in Iceland

Iceland’s queer art history in relation to Samtökin ‘78 is short and only goes back to 1985 when the first documented exhibition was installed at the Samtökin premises. This talk looks at aspects of this story, the art debate during that time as well as whether the debate has links to queer art abroad.

The discussion is based on the author´s research undertaken in relation to the exhibition Out of the Parentheses: Art and Samtökin ’78 currently on at Grófarhús, Tryggvagötu 15, 101-Reykkjavík.

Those who intend to attend the talk are encouraged to view the exhibition beforehand.

Educational events at Reykjavik Pride 2019 are held in cooperation with The National Museum of Iceland. At the museum you can find the rainbow thread, a queer guide to the permanent exhibition “Making of a Nation – Heritage and History in Iceland.”

Guests of Reykjavik Pride events at the museum can get access to the rainbow thread with 25% discount or for 1.500 ISK instead of 2.000 ISK. For more info visit: https://www.thjodminjasafn.is/english/for-visitors/permanent-exhibition/temporary-exhibitions/current-exhibitions/a-rainbow-thread-1