It has been a pleasure watching our community come to life again, after a long time of gathering restrictions, uncertainty and risk of infection. In the last few days there has been an increase in covid cases in Iceland which shows us that we are not in the clear just yet. Surely many of us have felt isolated and missed the company of others and mundane things like talking to people you run into or listening to the clatter and chatter inside a full café. For many of us, the situation brought back unpleasant memories when a different kind of virus shook our community. Fortunately, the casualties are not as high now as they were back then. These strange times have also reminded us of the importance of our community, of spending time together, being around like-minded people, and the sense of belonging to a larger group.
This year’s theme of Reykjavik Pride is Queer at all ages. The age diversity among those living their lives out and proud has never been greater. With visibility and education about LGBTQ+ in the community, we have made it easier for children and young people to come out earlier. They have the freedom to explore their identity and deal with their feelings in an open conversation with their friends and family, and that is invaluable. But we also have to make sure that those getting older can spend their senior years in pride and joy, that they can participate in queer social life and that they are not forced back into the closet due to a lack of understanding or poor conditions in our nursing homes and health institutions. It’s our responsibility to make sure we can all live out our lives being our true selves, from youth to old age.
On behalf of the board of Reykjavik Pride, I want to welcome you all to the celebration! As usual, the programme includes a variety of cultural, educational and fun events and entertainment, and we sincerely hope that the Pride Parade will make its way through the streets of downtown Reykjavik. In the light of recent events we urge you to check out the Pride programme on our website, www.hinsegindagar.is/en/programme, for easy access to information about all events.
Ásgeir Helgi Magnússon, President of Reykjavik Pride, he/him, 39 years old