Open Call // Pride Planning Team

The Board of Reykjavik Pride calls for applicants for the Reykjavik Pride Planning Team. The Pride Planning Team consists of six committees, tasked with preparing and running Reykjavik Pride in August 2023. The committees and their main subjects are listed in the organisational chart below:

The organisational chart of Reykjavik Pride

By participating in the Pride Planning Team, you’ll be able to influence the festival and thus contribute to the queer community in Iceland. It’ll also provide you with opportunities for developing your skill-set and gaining experience, along with getting to know more people within the community. Don’t hesitate to fill in the form below if you’re interested. Please note that the Pride Board will go over the applications and choose the applicants who best fill the roles needed. Not everyone who applies will be appointed. More volunteering opportunities will be advertised later this year.

Apply to the Planning Team