Information for participants

Each group’s contact is responsible for making sure that this information reaches all participants in their group.

See also: “Safety Rules and Terms”

Set-up and parade route

  • The parade will follow the same route as last year. The set-up for the parade starts at 12:00 at Tækniskólinn next to Hallgrímskirkja. You will enter the set-up area via Eiríksgata. There you will meet a staff member of Reykjavík Pride, who will tell you your position in the lineup. The security manager will check in with every group to make sure that rules are followed. It is important that everyone shows up on time, as it can be time consuming to set up the parade properly. The parade will start at 14:00.
  • When the parade starts we march down Skólavörðustígur, Laugavegur, Bankastræti, Lækjargata and Fríkirkjuvegur, where the parade will end. Participants will walk/drive as far down Sóleyjargata as possible and from there leave the parade area and walk  towards the stage into Hljómskálagarður, where the concert will take place. It is important that participants follow instructions given by the parade and security managers after entering Sóleyjargata.

Stage introduction

  • Each group will be introduced to the audience. Every group writes their own introduction for a presenter to read. The introduction text needs to be sent to no later than Thursday, August 8th, preferably sooner.

Generators and/or sound systems

  • The renting of sound systems and generators is very costly for Reykjavík Pride. There have been instances of people backing out at the last minute after requesting a generator or a sound system. We will bill groups that request equipment and cancel the request after August 9th. This is why we ask for a personal number (kennitala). If you do use the equipment you asked for, you will not receive a bill.
  • Sound systems and generators are loaded onto the cars at Sonik equipment rental at Jöfurbás 4 (by Gufunesvegur) on the day of the parade. Please be there at 09:00 sharp.
  • Sound systems and generators are to be returned immediately after the parade ends. The driver goes straight back to Sonik where the equipment will be taken off the float. If generators and sound systems are not returned by 17:00 on the day of the parade the group responsible will be fined.
  • Please note that the generators take a lot of space and can be difficult to fit into small cars. They can also potentially leak, which could ruin car upholstery. If you want to try to fit a generator into a small car you must contact us for further information.

Further information